
Past Exhibition Special Exhibition from the Museum Collection

Kitawaki Noboru: To See the Universe in a Seed



Art Museum Gallery 4


Kitawaki Noboru, Diagram of I Ching Divination (Heaven and Earth), 1941

The avant-garde painter Kitawaki Noboru (1901–1951) was active in Kyoto in the 1930s and 1940s. Thus far, his work has generally been discussed in terms of Surrealist influence. For example, this aptly describes his approach in Airport (1937) of generating fantastical imagery through association of shapes, so the maple seed pods can also be seen as planes. However, this exhibition aims to examine what Kitawaki was actually seeking to accomplish in referencing the ideas and techniques of Surrealism: to decode the invisible laws behind the world around us, and visually reveal a model of his worldview. Based on this philosophical mindset, Kitawaki produced paintings that reference not only Surrealism, but also mathematics, the natural science of Goethe, and ancient Chinese divination.

Here we shed light on the development of Kitawaki’s distinctive approach, in which he sought a unification of all the laws of heaven and earth as if condensed in a single seed that sprouts, grows, blossoms, bears fruit and produces new seeds.

List of Works

Kitawaki Noboru: To See the Universe in a Seed

北胁升 在一颗种子中凝视宇宙

기타와키 노보루 씨앗 한 알에서 우주를 보다

February 11 – October 25, 2020 The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

roomaudio guide (En)artisttitle美术家标题작가의 표제dateon view fromon view to
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruPerishing in the Sky北胁升空中的诀别기타와키 노보루하늘의 결별19372020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruAirport北胁升机场기타와키 노보루공항19372020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruRoot and Sprout of Tree北胁升树的根和芽기타와키 노보루나무의 뿌리와 싹19372020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruThe Quietest Time北胁升最寂静的时刻기타와키 노보루가장 조용할 때19372020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruLandscape of Collected Fragments, Series of Physiognomy北胁升借景(观相学系列)기타와키 노보루차경(관상학 시리즈)19372020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruMetamorphosis of Life, Series of Physiognomy北胁升变生(观相学系列)기타와키 노보루변생(관상학 시리즈)19382020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruVillage, Series of Physiognomy北胁升聚落(观相学系列)기타와키 노보루취락(관상학 시리즈)19382020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruShadow (Series of Physiognomy)北胁升影(观相学系列)기타와키 노보루그림자(관상학 시리즈)19382020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruSacred Fire北胁升净火기타와키 노보루신성한 불19382020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruSolitary End北胁升孤独的终末기타와키 노보루고독한 종말19382020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruFor Morphology北胁升为了形态学기타와키 노보루형태학을 위해19392020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruWill of Species北胁升物种的意欲기타와키 노보루종의 의욕19392020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruSynthesis and Analysis北胁升综合与分析기타와키 노보루종합과 분석19402020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruStructure of Disorder北胁升秩序混乱构造기타와키 노보루질서 혼란 구조19402020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruStructure of the Meaning (A+B)²北胁升(A+B)² 的含义的构造기타와키 노보루(A+B)² 의미 구조19402020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDiagram of Cultural Morphology北胁升文化类型学图式기타와키 노보루문화유형학 도식19402020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDiagram of I Ching Divination (Eight Phenomena)北胁升周易解理图(八卦)기타와키 노보루주역 도표(팔괘)19412020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDiagram of I Ching Divination (Heaven and Earth)北胁升周易解理图(乾坤)기타와키 노보루주역 도표(건곤)19412020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDiagram of I Ching Divination (Obedience and Pleasure)北胁升周易解理图(巽兑)기타와키 노보루주역 도표(손태)19412020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruMathematical Thrill北胁升数学震颤기타와키 노보루수학적 스릴19422020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruScenery at Murasakino北胁升紫野的景观기타와키 노보루무라사키노의 풍경19422020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruMorphology of Daffodils北胁升水仙的形态学기타와키 노보루수선화의 형태학19462020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruSelf-Portrait北胁升自画像기타와키 노보루자화상19472020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 40064KITAWAKI, NoboruQuo Vadis北胁升Quo Vadis(君往何处)기타와키 노보루쿠오 바디스19492020/02/112020/06/14
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruMoon 1北胁升月 1기타와키 노보루달 119372020/02/112020/08/23
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruThe Moon 2北胁升月 2기타와키 노보루달 219372020/02/112020/08/23
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruFantasy on Saturn北胁升关于土星的幻想기타와키 노보루토성의 환상19382020/02/112020/08/23
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruStudy for For Morphology北胁升为《为了形态学》而作的草稿기타와키 노보루《형태학을 위해》의 밑그림c.19392020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDrawing北胁升素描기타와키 노보루소묘c.19392020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDrawing北胁升素描기타와키 노보루소묘19462020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDrawing北胁升素描기타와키 노보루소묘19462020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDrawing北胁升素描기타와키 노보루소묘19462020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDrawing北胁升素描기타와키 노보루소묘19462020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDrawing北胁升素描기타와키 노보루소묘19462020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDrawing北胁升素描기타와키 노보루소묘19462020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruDrawing北胁升素描기타와키 노보루소묘Date unknown2020/02/112020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruSurvey on the Stone Garden of Ryoanji Temple北胁升龙安寺石庭测图기타와키 노보루료안지 절의 돌 정원 조사 c.19392020/08/252020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruChinese Bellflowers北胁升桔梗기타와키 노보루도라지c.19462020/08/252020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruSelf-Portrait北胁升自画像기타와키 노보루자화상19512020/08/252020/10/25
Gallery 4 KITAWAKI, NoboruObject北胁升기타와키 노보루오브제c.19422020/02/112020/10/25



Hours & Admissions


Art Museum Gallery 4


February 11 –June 14, 2020 October 25, 2020


10:00 – 17:00 *Last admission is 30 minutes before closing.
Until further notice, the hours are not extended on Fridays and Saturdays.


Closed on Mondays (except February 24, August 10 and September 21 ), February 25, August 11 and September 23, 2020
*Temporary closure: February 29 – June 3


Advance ticket is recommended to avoid lines forming at the entrance.
Online purchase: 【Tiqets】【e-tix】
Tickets can be purchased on site at the ticket counters, subject to their availability.


Adults ¥500 (400)
College and university students ¥250 (200)

  • The price in brackets is for the group of 20 persons or more. All prices include tax.
    Free for high school students, under 18, seniors (65 and over), Campus Members, MOMAT passport holder.
  • Show your Membership Card of the MOMAT Supporters or the MOMAT Members to get free admission (a MOMAT Members Card admits two persons free).
  • Persons with disability and one person accompanying them are admitted free of charge.
  • Members of the MOMAT Corporate Partners are admitted free with their staff ID.

The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

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