
Past Exhibition Special Exhibition

Guerrino Tramonti, the Magician of Color Raised in Faenza, Italy: A Retrospective



Crafts Gallery, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

About the Exhibition

Italian artist Guerrino Tramonti (1915–1992) manifested his talent in his diverse works ranging from terra-cotta sculptures, colorful ceramic panels, and voluminous vessels, to ceramic frames using frit, and poetical paintings rimmed with black. This is the first solo show of his art in Japan providing an overview of his entire career.

List of Exhibits

Room 1     
  3Girlc.1939-40Hand painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  4Sculpturec.1943-48Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  5Strawberries and cherries1948Oil on canvasPrivate collection
  6Still life with fish1948Oil on canvasPrivate collection
  8Composition1948Oil on canvasPrivate collection
  9Womanc.1949-51Enamelled terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  11Lute player on horseback1951Enamelled and lustred terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  13Tray with still lifec.1950-53Painted terracotta (aventurine)Foundation Guerrino Tramonti
  14Vase with relief decorationsc.1950-53Painted and enamelled terracotta (aventurine)Private collection
  16Birdc.1950-51Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  17Mythical beastc.1950-51Enamelled terracottaPrivate collection
  18Fishc.1950-52Enamelled and glazed terracottaPrivate collection
  21Woman1952Enamelled and painted refractory sheetFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  22Ballerinac.1952-53Decorative chamotte and enamelled panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  23Vase with relief decorationsc.1952Enamelled terracotta with embossed paintingPrivate collection
  24Vase with relief decorationsc.1952Enamelled terracotta with embossed painting (aventurine)Private collection
  28Catc.1953-54Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  31Fish on grillc.1953-55Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  34Tray with still lifec.1956-61Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  36Tray with still lifec.1957-61Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  37Tray with still lifec.1960-62Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  38Tray with still life1961Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  62Bowlc.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  63Bowlc.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  64Bowlc.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  66Rectangular vasec.1965-68White stoneware with crystalline finishPrivate collection
  71Double crater shape1966White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  72Double crater shapec.1966-67White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  73Double crater shape1967White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  74Double crater shapec.1965-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  76Double crater shapec.1965-67White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  77Double crater shapec.1966-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  79Double crater shapec.1966-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  86Still life with fishc.1968-72Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  90Horsec.1969-71Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  92Tea setc.1969-71Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  101Still lifec.1969-74Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  111Still Life with handc.1980-84Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  122Catc.1969Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  127Still lifec.1970-72Oil on panelPrivate collection
  128Sticksc.1970-73Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  130Still lifec.1979-81Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  132Still lifec.1980-83Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  134Cat with still lifec.1982Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  140Still life with toy theatrec.1989-90€Oil on panelPrivate collection
Room 2     
  1Elderly manc.1930-32Patinated plasterFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  2Christc.1939Cold painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  7Jug with flowers1948Oil on canvasPrivate collection
  10Madonna with angelsc.1949-51Painted and lustred terracottaPrivate collection
  12Crucifixc.1950-53Enamelled and lustred terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  15Anthropomorphic flaskc.1950Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  19Jesus walking on water1952Enamelled and painted refractory sheetPrivate collection
  20Woman with fish1952Refractory sheet painted with enamelsFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  25Vase with fishc.1952-54Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  26Decorated bowlc.1952-54Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  27Decorated vasec.1952-54Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  29Boatc.1953-55Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  30Still life with fishc.1953-55Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  32Face to facec.1953-55Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  33Tea setc.1955Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  35Tray with still lifec.1957-61Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  39Tray with still life1961Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  40Large vase with writing1961Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  41Large jug1961Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  42Large jug1961Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  44Verdigris vasec.1964-65White enamelled stonewareFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  45Tea setc.1962White enamelled stonewarePrivate collection
  117Still life with watermelonc.1983Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallinePrivate collection
  119Still lifec.1968-70Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  126Still lifec.1970-72Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  131Still lifec.1979-82Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
Room 3     
  43Verdigris vasec.1962-63White enamelled stonewareFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  46Vasec.1962-64White enamelled stonewareMOMAT
  47Vasec.1962-65White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  48Ovoid vasec.1961-65White enamelled stonewareFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  49Cylindrical vasec.1962-66White enamelled stonewareFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  50Vasec.1962-64White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  51Cylindrical vasec.1962-65White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  52Cylindrical vasec.1962-65White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  53Bowlc.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  54Bowlc.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  55Vasec.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  56Vasec.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  57Ovoid vasec.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  58Ovoid vasec.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  59Cylindrical vasec.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  60Cylindrical vasec.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  61Cylindrical vasec.1962-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  65Cup-type vasec.1964-66White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  67Ovoid vasec.1965-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  68Double crater shapec.1965-66White enamelled stonewareMOMAT
  69Double crater shapec.1966-68Enamelled terracotta (lustre)Foundation Guerrino Tramonti
  70Double crater shapec.1965-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  75Double crater shapec.1965-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  78Double crater shapec.1966-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  80Double crater shapec.1966-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  81Double crater shapec.1966-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  82Double crater shapec.1966-68White stoneware with crystalline finishAichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum
  83Double crater shapec.1966-68White stoneware with crystalline finishFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  120Eggsc.1967-71Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  129Still life with wedgesc.1978-80Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  135Cat with wedgec.1983-85Oil on panelPrivate collection
  149Bowl with mermaidc.1950-51Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  150Bowl with sunc.1950-51Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  151Coffee setc.1953Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  152Pitcher with charactersc.1953Enamelled and painted terracottaPrivate collection
  153Coffee setc.1953-54Enamelled and painted terracottaFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
Room 4     
  84Knightc.1969-71Terracotta chamotte panel glazed with crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  85Sticks with writingsc.1968-71Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  87Still life with fishc.1968-72Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  88Still life with writingsc.1969-71Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  89Still life with writingsc.1969-71Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  91Horsec.1969-71Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  93Fish on grillc.1969-71Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  95Womanc.1969-72Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  96Hand with pearc.1970Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  98Set table with fishc.1970-72Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  100Face to facec.1969-73Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  102Set table with grapesc.1969-74Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  103Peppers with writingc.1975Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  104Woman with pearlc.1969-75Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  105Catc.1969-75Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  107Woman with pearc.1969-76Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  108Cat with writings1979Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  109Set table with rosec.1979-84Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  110Catc.1980Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  112Cat with still life1985Large decorative chamotte plate, painted and glazed with thick crystallinePrivate collection
  113Face to facec.1980-84Large decorative chamotte plate, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  114Still lifec.1980-85Decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  115Bottlesc.1980-85Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  116Woman with wedgec.1980-85Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  118Still lifec.1983Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  123Bottlesc.1969-72Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  124Still life with handc.1970Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
Room 5     
  94Watermelon and lettersc.1969Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  97Hand with pearlc.1970Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  99Set table with pearsc.1969-73Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  106Set tablec.1969-76Large decorative chamotte disc, painted and glazed with thick crystallineFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  121Still lifec.1969Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  125Wedgesc.1970-72Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  133Clothc.1981Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  136Still life with peppersc.1985-88Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  137Cat with still lifec.1986Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  138Still life with clothc.1988-90Oil on panelFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  139Womanc.1989Oil on panelPrivate collection
  141Still life with armc.1989-91Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  142Still life with bustc.1990Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti
  143Nude womanc.1990Oil on canvasPrivate collection
  144Nude woman with pearlc.1990Oil on canvasPrivate collection
  145Manc.1990Oil on panelPrivate collection
  146Woman with still lifec.1990-91Oil on canvasPrivate collection
  147Woman and catc.1990-91Oil on canvasPrivate collection
  148Nude womanc.1991-92Oil on canvasFoundation Guerrino Tramonti

About the Sections

I/1930-1948 introduction
II/1949-1954 transition
III/1953-1961 working in Majolica techniques
IV/1962-1968 high-fired wares
V/1968-1985 vitreous glades
VI/1967-1992 painting

Events & Education

Gallery Talk






Crafts Gallery


Josune Ruiz de Infante (Art historian)






Crafts Gallery

Free Program ( But Museum admission required. )
*Offered in Japanese only

Touch and Talk: Tour with our volunteer staff members


Every Wednesday, Saturday



Free Program ( But Museum admission required. )
*Offered in Japanese only

Art of the Guerrino Tramonti

Art of the Guerrino Tramonti






The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. Auditorium (basement)

Free Program ( But Museum admission required. )
*Offered in Japanese only

Hours & Admissions


National Crafts Museum



*Please note that the exhibits and the exhibition schedule are subject to change without previous notice. For up-to-date information, please kindly check our website.


*Last admission is 30 minutes before closing.


Mondays (except September 19 and October 10) September 20 and October 11, 2011


Adult  ¥800(600)  
Student(college/university)  ¥500(350)
Student(Highschool)  ¥300(200)

*(Group of 20 persons or more)
*All prices include tax.
*Ticket valid for admission to this exhibition and “Works of Living national Treasures and Great Masters”.
*Middle school age and under 15 are free of charge.
*Persons with disability and one person accompanying them are admitted free of charge.

Free Admission Days

November 3, 2011

Organized by

The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Faenza City
Guerrino Tramonti Foundation
NHK Promotions Inc.


Ministry of Cultural Prorerties and Activities,Italy
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Italy
Chamber of Deputies,Italy
Province of Ravenna
Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna; Italian Embassy in Japan
The Italian Institute of Culture in Tokyo and kyoto





Collaborated with

NHK PlanNet,INC.

Traveling to

Yamaguchi Prefectural Hagi Uragami Museum 2011.12.10-2012.2.12
Otani Memorial Art Museum, Nishinomiya City 2012.4.7-5.27
Seto City Art Museum 2012.6.9-7.29

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